5CO01 - Organisational examples?

Hi all

I've had some draft feedback from ICS on the 3 criteria I submitted and got a general note about including organisational examples and I'm really struggling with it.

For example AC 1.2 (connecting strategy to products, services and customers). My own organisation is public sector so the focus on products, services and customers isn't really a thing, so I can't use my own org. I don't feel like I can talk from a position of understanding on other organisations, businesses aren't exactly splashing their strategies all over the internet. Are there any sources that I can draw on to get organisational examples?

  • Surely you have services of some sort? And at some level customers or service users? Its sometimes about thinking laterally
  • When in doubt look at John Lewis. They are quite open about some of their strategies, e.g. making their employees 'partners' so that they give excellent customer service.

    Also, B & Q had a strategy of employing older people to improve customer service:

    You'll probably find more info about these companies if you look at People Management, also try the Financial Times online and The Independent Business Section for business news.

    Also, if you are in the public sector you should have customers at least, even if they have no choice but to use you.

  • In reply to Keith:

    I could give it a try, but I'm not sure the scene setting and contortions I would need to do are worth the wordcount. I was just hoping that maybe there'd be some case studies out there of organisations that don't have to rework their entire purpose every time there's a cabinet reshuffle!
  • In reply to Elizabeth:

    Thank you so much!