Looking someone who would help and share knowledge being HR professional

Hi everyone. 

I gained my CIPD qualification couple years ago. Currently I am  in "HR manager" role for 4 years in hospitality industry. The quotation in here is not to outline the role but rather to minimise it as this is how I currently feel. 

My current role in the environment I am working does not challenge me or give many opportunities to actually act as HR manager, which really de-motivates me. More to this I feel like I am missing out on so many new challenges and people that are equally passionate about the profession and HR world which leaves me here. 

I have been looking for new carrier paths in different industries from HR administrator to HR manager in some cases I am too qualified in others I am under qualified. 

I been struggling making big impressions to top firms as I feel so isolated even when I try and attend every webinar or read top articles. 

So I am looking for like minded passionate HR professionals who would enjoy talking about what motivates, what scares and what gets them excited in current HR world. 

I am slightly introverted if you don't know me and this post is like walking a milestone for me. Please feel free to "kick my ass" and recommend any extra steps for me to take to get more engagement or simply share your story.

Thank you.
