Organisation Design and development


I am considering specialising in organisation design & development to combine my extensive experience in operations as well as HR.  I was looking at some courses (including CIPD) to support this move and wondered if anyone had any other recommendations on suitable courses .  It would also be great if anyone who is involved in this area of HR was willing to have just a 30minute chat with me about the scope of this type of role in practice.

With thanks, Caroline

  • Hi Caroline, I'm in a similar place and I'm looking for an event or a network to join to connect with people working in OD. What's helped me was to watch the replay of this webinar www.youtube.com/watch
    Very comprehensive and helpful.
  • In reply to Joanna:

    Thanks Joanna - much appreciated.
  • CIPD is definitely a good option, but you could also look into courses from places like the Academy of Executive Coaching or The Open University. There are also shorter, more specific courses on LinkedIn Learning or Coursera that might give you a good overview. As for connecting with someone in the field, LinkedIn is usually a good bet.
  • In reply to Andrew:

    Apologies Andrew, I missed your response with the lead up to the holiday season. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Great advice and much appreciated.