Is it possible to go from Level 3 to Level 7?

Good evening,

I have recently completed and achieved my CIPD Level 3 Foundation in People Practice, studying with ICS Learn. I am now looking at what to do next as my employer has advised they would be happy to fund further study utilising the apprenticeship levy. 

I'm just wondering if it is realistically possible to go straight to Level 7? For context, I do currently work in HR and have several years of experience, albeit in junior roles.

Looking for some advice and feedback from anyone who has maybe gone straight to Level 7 from Level 3 or been in a similar situation. 

Thank you!

  • Hi Alice
    I usually take into account a few factors when advising on this. It can be done but Level 7 is designed for senior HR professionals so it will depend on your role and other experience plus previous academic study as to whether you will benefit from the course. It will usually be better to do Level 5 first for most people. Happy to advise more specifically if you want to get in touch direct. Jackie
  • In reply to Jackie Allen:

    Hey Jackie, thank you for taking the time to reply! I do have an undergraduate degree so I am familiar with academic study, but don't currently have any senior HR experience. Would you recommend I go onto Level 5 first?
  • Hey,

    I went straight from nothing into level 7, ironically I also did it at Jackie's organisation too.

    I came from about 10 years of retail management experience.

    It's definitely possible (exhibit A here), and I don't have a level 3 or 5 to benchmark difficulty against. But it has been very difficult, especially to adjust to the academic writing and the very specific way assignments are graded.
  • This is probably not helpful but I essentially did this when I started my career - I had a degree in an unrelated subject (English, technically level 6) and went straight into Level 7 study. I think the study skills helped as I was always new to work so learning about topics like appraisal for the first time. Not sure how I did it now timewise!
  • In reply to Gemma:

    I was also advised to go to Level 7 based on a degree in an arts subject, a level 6 qualification in leadership & management accrediting my service as an Army Officer, and nearly 30 years in business.

    However cost and the difficulty of getting down to study with a massively complicated work, volunteering and family life mean I have applied for Experience Assessment at Associate level.
  • In reply to Matthew:

    Good luck with your assessment! I think I was twice over lucky with my experience - in starting my career in the University sector where the cost to my department was more time than money, and in there being generally more sponsorship for professional qualifications than is the norm now. Working full time and studying part time was a challenge - it was a long Monday starting work at 8.30 and finishing lectures at 9pm, plus all the weekends given over to assignments and residentials. There is no way I could juggle it with family life now wither...
  • In reply to Gemma:

    I've been running through my RYA Shorebased Qualifications while working, and the level I'm on now is just an intellectual exercise as I'm unlikely to need it for the voyages I do. I'm determined to pass, but it can be very difficult indeed to come home & string together a whole load off secondary ports, computations of rates and tidal heights calculations after a day HR-ing!
  • In reply to Alice:

    Hi Alice - these courses are designed as building blocks and we have some experienced HR professionals on Level 3 for very good reasons so I would need to know a bit more about you and your goals before confirming your options. Happy to weigh up the pros and cons of each with you to help inform your decision. If you would like to arrange please DM me. Have a great day! Jackie
  • In reply to Charles:

    Hi Charles - you are proof that it can be done! Well done! There are many factors to consider both short and longer term for sure depending on an individual's particular circumstances.
  • Hi Alice! I studied the level 3 then went straight to level 7, having been working as an HR admin for 2 years with no previous degree experience and studied during lockdown - so yes, it is possible.
    Happy to chat it through if I can help any further. Good luck!
  • In reply to Charlotte:

    Also remember there didn't used to be a level 5 so if you wanted more study after L3, it was straight to L7.