Transitioning into HR from Armed Forces

Hello, I am looking for some advice as I prepare to transition out of a 22 year Armed Forces career (currently OR7 for those familiar with the rank structure) into the civilian world. I have a BSc in HR Management, achieved through Lincoln University’s military programme in 2019. I am now looking at CIPD and would appreciate any advice on what is the best route for me: 1. Study for CIPD level 5/7 2. Apply for CIPD accreditation via experience assessment

  • Hi Cheryl that sounds exciting! You might be able to study via the ELCAS scheme perhaps if you want to study a qualification. That gives you the learning and connections with people outside the military if you choose a live webinar option with coaching eg we have a CIPD coach who is ex-military. The experience assessment route is good too of course especially if your main priority is the membership. Happy to chat through your options and explore the pros and cons for you if that would be helpful. Just DM me to arrange. Jackie
  • Hi Cheryl, Good week?

    Perhaps there is a 3rd option: Trying both your 1st and 2nd options. Hear me out:

    Speak with the CIPD and let them know your intent for option 2. Ask detailed questions as it relates to your experience and the assessment criteria. You can then make a judgement call if this is a viable option. If it is, then carry-on soldier :-). If not, then you can apply to study to achieve your desired level of certification.

    Wishing you all the best in your transition journey from the military and lest I forget, I sincerely thank you for your service.

    My 2 cents spent.

  • In reply to Felix O:

    I am in the process of applying for experience assessment and part of this is to submit a CV which is scrutinised to see if it measures up with the level for which one is applying. If Cheryl does that then she should get the answer!
  • Hi, Cheryl.

    I'm not the only veteran in the community, and my experience is quite a long way out of date as I PVR'd back in 2007, so others may have better advice. However, the frustrating reality is that it is going to be hard to transition at a level commensurate with your professional experience.

    First, if you already have a BSc in HR Management, you should check with Lincoln whether the course was already accredited by the CIPD because there's a good chance that you already have an Level 5 qualification.

    Second, the kind of industry that is most likely to give you the best shot will depend on your military profession. I was in the RAMC so, despite my best efforts, I've ended up working for the NHS where my knowledge of medical and nursing professions was a useful asset. If you're R SIGNALS or REME or RE or RLC you're likely to find fellow veterans in businesses in related industries and your experience will be both respected and appreciated. If you come from somewhere more generic like AGC(SPS) then you're likely to find the Civil Service or local government more aware of and appreciative of the experience you bring (although not universally, by any means).

    Regardless, a hard fact I had to confront when moving from military to civil HR practice is that there are both cultural and legal differences to overcome that make moving into civil HR practice in a management or leadership role immediately very difficult. I was lucky to find some temp work as a junior HR Advisor (having previously been a regimental Adjutant, it was a bit of a step down), but once I'd made the transition it was easier to move more quickly up the scale.

    So, to the actual question:

    First, as mentioned, check what you're already accredited for! A Level 7 is effectively half a Master's degree, so it's pitched at people who are entering or already in a management or Business Partner role, so might be worth leaving. I've not done the experience assessment, although I know a little about the process, which is very rigorous. I don't know how well an assessor will be able to appraise your military experience, though, if they don't have the relevant contextual understanding. You would probably be better off proving yourself in a suitable organisation and then persuading your employer to fund your Level 7 or MA before applying for Chartership through the normal route.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Ah, the joys of being an Adjutant! I rather enjoyed my Manual of Military Law Summary Dealing course back in the dark ages, but not sure the process then would stand up to scrutiny now...
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    2 days ago

    In reply to Robey:

    Thanks for such a terrific post,
  • In reply to Matthew:

    It didn't! I was in the job just after the ECHR ruled that it was non-compliant, so we were having to run every Captain's Table (I was in a joint unit with a RN Captain as CO) as a mini-court martial in order to be ECHR compliant. It was a nightmare! But I did get involved in the MoD work introducing a new Tri-Service model for administrative discipline (a.k.a. disciplinary hearings), which was fun.
  • In reply to Robey:

    thank you very much.
  • In reply to Felix O:

    Thank you. Do I not have to pay up front for the experience assessment?
  • In reply to Robey:

    I have checked with Lincoln Uni and unfortunately I didn’t add the CIPD.
  • In reply to Cheryl:

    There is a discount until the end of March bringing the price down from £2k to £1.5k for Assoc CIPD, which is the level for which I am applying.

    One needs to complete the online pre-assessment then submit a registration form and CV to CIPD, then pay up of the CV good enough prior to doing the work. What I didn't realise is that there is a second shot at the assessment within 12 months if one isn't ready first time round and that is covered by the initial fee.
  • In reply to Robey:

    I was Adjutant of a tri-nations tri-service Unit on Ops which caused interesting discussions between our British CO, Dutch 2i/c & Canadian RSM.

    My brother-in-law was a RN 2 1/2 on the Armed Forces Discipline Act team. Quite a change as he was a Navigator by training.
  • In reply to Cheryl:

    There is a pre-assessment questionnaire. It is on the CIPD website. I can send you the link of you can't find it.
  • In reply to Jackie Allen:

    Hi Cheryl, the link below, provides details of the ongoing 25% discount Mathew mentioned above.

    It also provides the Pre-assessment link @Jackie Allen mentions above, in addition to other useful application information, supporting your quest.

    CIPD link to Experience Assessment Application Discount and pre-assessment

    Again, all the best.


    ...My 2 cents well spent