In need of a tutor CIPD Level 3


I have started studying CIPD level 3 in June 2021. I am finding some topics quite difficult to understand and not receiving enough support from my provider. I would like to have some online sessions with someone who could help guide me in the right direction with my coursework. 

If anyone offers lessons/sessions please let me know!

Many thanks, 


  • Hi Lisa

    I'm sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your course. Part of studying is learning how to learn and it's not unusual to find things difficult at the start. Although we work to a common syllabus each centre's training materials are different so I wouldn't want to second guess another tutor and just end up confusing the issue. If you feel that you are not getting the support you need you should talk to or email your tutor. Try to be specific about what you don't understand and where you need help. Is it the the pace of the classes, the course materials, the assessment criteria, try to give as much information as you can.

    You might find it easier to study in a group. Facebook has a level 3 study group or you can browse the discussion forums on here to find one

    If your tutor is not helpful, every provider must have a complaints policy so you can make a complaint if you feel you are not getting the service you are entitled to. If this fails and you have exhausted all other options you can make a complaint in writing to CIPD directly.

    It is quite difficult to become an accredited provider of CIPD courses and we are held to a high standard so I'm sure your provider will take your concerns seriously

    In the meantime if you want to let me know which module and/or concepts you are having difficulty with I will try to point you in the direction of some resources which may help you.

    Nothing worth having is easy, so don't give up

  • Drop your email
  • In reply to Mike:

  • In reply to Jim:

    Thank you for your response Jim!
  • In reply to Jelizaveta:

    Hi Julizaveta, check your email
  • Hi Mike, in the same boat with Lisa... my email is keke08igere@gmail.com Many thanks in advance.
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike, Are you able to please send to me also? kat_rogers@hotmail.co.uk Thanks so much
  • In reply to Katrina:

    Me too

    Thank you
  • In reply to Mary McLaughlin:

    Hi Mary, sent
  • In reply to Okieno KeKe:

    Hi Mike, hope you are doing well. Sorry to be a bother however I am struggling with my level 3 CIPD a lot and feel like have no guidance. Is there any way you can also direct me to the right direction? My email is fatimaseerat@outlook.com.

  • I Mike, I am currently in my final assignment of CIPD level 3 and I am really struggling with my final assessment and not sure if you help please.
  • In reply to Ameenat Moradewun:

    Hi Ameenat, Yes I can help. Share your email address here
  • thanks Mark my email address is- adetutu87@yahoo.com
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike can you please also share;


    Thank you so much
  • In reply to Mike:
