Upgrade via form or telephone assessment?

Hi All - I recently completed my CIPD accredited MA with a Distinction :) 

I am now looking to upgrade my Associate membership to Chartered - I have the requisite professional experience to be competitive.  I can see there's an option to upgrade via a 'paper' based form or telephone assessment, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience or a recommendation about either route? 

My instinct would have been to do telephone as it can be easier to articulate a response and evidence verbally, versus writing on paper within a set word limit. In addition I believe there's a considerably shorter turnaround time to find out if you have passed. In Q1 2021 we'll be going through a considerable restructure at my company, and there would be some comfort in knowing sooner rather than later if I have my Chartered status if I need to look externally (either through force or by desire to compare external opportunities to internal!). 

However, it is free to do the form-based assessment and I'm wondering if I am overthinking this. Not that the financial piece sways me either way - it's more that I presume there shouldn't be a difference in outcome between either route, but there is a reason both are offered...! 

Any views would be greatly appreciated! I did do a search - but wondered if anyone had recent experience.

  • Hi Chloe,

    I upgraded during the first lockdown and opted to do it by phone for exactly the reason you're thinking: I thought it would be easier to explain something in person rather than sticking to a word limit and accidentally leaving something out that might have proved helpful. It was a really straightforward process and my interviewer was incredibly friendly and clear. I did plenty of prep in advance based on the questions on the form and had lots of stats and figures to hand too which proved helpful.

    Best of luck! And congratulations on your distinction!
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    Hi Alys,

    Thank you for sharing your experience - and congratulations on your upgrade! It's definitely helpful to hear my thoughts are aligned with others... I think I will go for the telephone route.
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    Hello Alys,

    Congratulations on your upgrade!
    I am (finally) in the process of peroparing for my telephone assesment. Do you have any pointers you could share please?
    I know that the CV should be focused on metric and the outcomes 'the so what'.
    I am assuming the same would apply to the assesment answers - but I just wonder if I am not missing anything.