Level 5 Employee Engagement module

Hi all, 

I really hope someone may be able to help ! I am currently at the end of the employee engagement module and getting stuck into the assignment but struggling terribly with the most simple part.... CIPD's definition of employee engagement. 

This is something that was discussed however looking at the CIPD website the factsheet talks about the different approaches to defining it. I believe it may have been about on the 2016 version of the factsheet which has just been updated at the end of last year. 

Is there anyone who has completed this module previously who has the CIPD's definition?

I will be so grateful for anyone's help. 


  • Hi Bobbie

    I haven't reached this module yet but if you Google it, the website engageforsuccess.org states the following -

    "the CIPD has defined employee engagement as “being positively present during the performance of work by willingly contributing intellectual effort, experiencing positive emotions and meaningful connections to other”.

    Does this help?
  • In reply to Lisa:

    This is the definition I used in my assignment
  • In reply to Lisa:

    Thank you Lisa, that is really helpful.
    I had recalled seeing someone reference (CIPD, 2016) so had a panic moment that I couldn't find anything from CIPD themselves.
  • Hi Bobbie,

    I'm hoping you can help I'm completing this unit
    1.1 an analysis of the meaning, principal dimensions and components of employee engagement and how it differs, if at all, from related concepts such as organisational commitment, employer involvement, job satisfaction
    I understand each of these but its composing each answer so that I'm not just listing each part.
    I have given different definitions and stated that each vary. I noted the dimensions - affective, normative and continuance commitment. Do I need to mention anything else?

    I have talked about the components of EE such as clarity of job role, career advancement etc I'm not sure how to then link in with Org Commitment, employer involvement and job satisfaction.

    Sorry its so long winded, I'm getting anxious about it plus its my last unit and I don't want a defer. Any help would be great
  • In reply to Deborah:

    hi Deborah,

    I hope you can help, ive also messaged Bobbie too. I'm completing this unit at present.
    1.1 an analysis of the meaning, principal dimensions and components of employee engagement and how it differs, if at all, from related concepts such as organisational commitment, employer involvement, job satisfaction
    I understand each of these but its composing each answer so that I'm not just listing each part.
    I have given different definitions and stated that each vary. I noted the dimensions - affective, normative and continuance commitment. Do I need to mention anything else?

    I have talked about the components of EE such as clarity of job role, career advancement etc I'm not sure how to then link in with Org Commitment, employer involvement and job satisfaction.

    Any help would be great
  • Why did you say 'This is a simple assignment!" ???
    I do not think it is helpful to make comments such as this.

    I loved this unit and flew through but I wouldn't say those comments above to someone who was asking a question about it.

    I struggled hugely with UIN assignment but a colleague quite enjoyed it, whereas I loved DER and it baffled the hell out of her.

    Oh and not sure if you realised but the questions were posted last June so I'm sure they have sorted this now

  • Hi Erick
    I am really stuck on this assignment as all the criteria seems to be very similar. Any help breaking this down would be much appreciated.
  • In reply to Karen:

    Hi Everyone, I am about to start developing 5ENG unit and just wondering if anyone has a kind of an unofficial guide to break it down.
    Thanks in advance!!
  • In reply to Maria Del Rocio:

    Was anyone able to help with this?
  • In reply to Frances Beckles:

    Hello Frances, I am afraid I did not have any luck - is this a unit have you already started or about to?
  • In reply to Frances Beckles:

    Hello Frances, I am afraid I did not have any luck - is this a unit have you already started or about to?
  • In reply to Maria Del Rocio:

    I completed it months ago so never mind.