5RST CIPD Diploma

Hi I accidentally posted this on Community Feedback in error. Just getting used to using the app! I’ve just started studying my level 5 diploma and now have my first assignment for Resourcing and Talent Planning. I’ve looked around the CIPD website and theres a lot of useful information. However just a bit stuck on choosing a country to compare with the UK for labour market trends. I have a workshop on Wednesday so will of course discuss further with my tutor but want to get a head start! Any help would be good. Thanks in advance.

  • We looked at Poland when we did this assignment.
  • Thanks for that. Hadn’t though of Poland. Was it easy to find statistics etc for?
  • We used an IMF report, I could email you this if you like? Sarah
  • That would be great. Thanks for the help. My email address is cheryl.bagge@gmail.com
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    25 Feb, 2020 09:19

    No worries about posting in the 'wrong' group. I'll sort that.
  • Perfect. Thanks Steve
  • Hi Cheryl, i too looked at Poland, so if you need any websites to use and assist, let me know. Its was really useful for me (also CIPD website is brilliant) - Cliff
  • In reply to Cheryl:

    Cheryl, I have emailed you some useful info too ! - Cliff
  • Thanks for the help Cliff. Much appreciated. Had my first workshop today which really helped. Cheryl
  • In reply to Cliff:

    Hi Cliff,
    I'm just completing this assignment, any chance you could send me over some of your info you have too?
  • Hi would anyone kindly share their assignment/useful pointers with me also please? My email address is emmahardwick8@googlemail.com. I'm looking at the french labour market as I have an interest in the country so thought it would make sense. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks Emma
  • In reply to Cliff:

    Hi Cliff, confusingly I'm also called Cheryl! but studying the same unit and would really appreciate any help on the same question. Did you use Poland as your example? I'm struggling to find enough info and statistics on other countries to complete question 1 5RST. UK part of it is fine. Thank you in advance! my email is cheryl.standing@gmail.com - anything you can pass on to help will be much appreciated ;-)
  • In reply to Cheryl:

    Hi Cheryl

    I have emailed you some info over from my work email - hope it helps and let me know if I can assist any further.
  • In reply to Cliff:

    Hi Cliff, Any chance you could also email me a copy please? I'm struggling where to start. My email address is emmahardwick8@googlemail.com. Thanks in advance
  • In reply to Cliff:

    Hi Cliff, Any chance you could also email me a copy please? I'm struggling where to start. My email address is emmahardwick8@googlemail.com. Thanks in advance