level 7 research project

Hi all

I'm starting my research project im thinking of doing change management minimizing resistance  any ideas on where to start and how i would survey this please

  • The topic is incredibly wide and in my experience its better to narrow it down greatly to a more specific and manageable area.

    What aspect of change management are you particularly interested in?

    What research have you done already and why does this topic appeal to you? Is there an actual problem in your workplace?
  • In reply to Keith:

    thanks Keith my thinking is I'm currently starting rota consultations within my region on services we tupe'd over, 18 months ago, so i was trying to tie something in with that.
  • Hi Kelly, do you have a dissertation supervisor or personal tutor you could arrange a call with perhaps? It seems like you have an initial idea but need some help to define the scope more narrowly. When I did mine 7 years ago I remember talking through with my supervisor about my proposal ideas and what in the topic interested me - and as Keith says, the particular problem’ that needs solving/question that needs answering. For instance, I was working as an HR systems specialist at the time and was interested in what so many systems don’t live up to expectations. We discussed the topic and made it a but more research worthy by looking at if systems were another control mechanism which took away autonomy and control in the name of efficiency and I looked at the concept of ‘digital Taylorism’. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, it’s a massive relief once you get to submit it!!!