Hi there. I've recently enrolled on the Level 5 HRM Diploma. I have no direct HR experience but have built up a lot of relevant and transferable skills working in a senior academic role for over a decade. I'm mid-way through my working life, have recently been made redundant from a long-term role in a sector that has been decimated by the pandemic and am hoping to transition into HR.
I wasn't sure whether to take the level 3 or 5 as different training providers gave me different answers and CIPD told me that each training provider had different entry criteria. One provider told me there would be a mismatch between my skills and experience if I took the level 5, another said that it was a myth that you have to start in entry-level positions and that with my qualifications and experience I should go straight to level 5. I found the online reading sections of the first module, DVP, very accessible and enjoyable, but I'm feeling overwhelmed by the depth, complexity and word-count of this and subsequent formative and summative assignments. I feel that I have bitten off more than I can chew! My gut feeling is to see if I can change to level 3 Diploma and to be at the top of my game, rather than feel that I'm sinking in level 5.
I've also started looking for an entry level job in HR but most of them seem to require some HR experience and I'm not even getting interviews - I know that this is an extremely challenging time to be moving into a new career but there must be a lot of people out there in the same boat and I want to be sure that I'm at least heading in the right direction.
My induction session recommended using the online forums and I can see that this is a great place for giving and receiving advice and support, which would be much appreciated!