Hi Everyone,
I have 15 years of experience in teaching where I have acquired HR relevant experience which will obviously transition best to L&D but also to ER. Until recently I was a Housemaster at a big independent school handling complex cases with parents, pupils and teachers and managed several teams.
I have more of an interest in ER, if I'm honest, but I'm realistic about how big of a shift I can make in my career, given the emerging recession/depression/chaos. I understand that I will take more junior roles in the short term and am of course happy to do this.
Anyway, my question is really this: should I do a Level 3 or 5 Diploma.
Will a Level 5 leave me over-qualified and under-experienced?
Will a Level 3 be a waste of money and I'll have to do the Level 5 sooner rather than later?
All thoughts appreciated with thanks.