Hello all.
iv just started my Level 5 with ICS Learn but feel abit lost. Iv not got alot of experience with HR other than sitting in a few performance investigations as note taker and working as team leader/ duty manager level in retail for 10yrs so iv done some basic development plans with colleagues working under me. After a brief talk with ICS over level 3 and 5 they advised level 5 should be fine for me. Since iv started though even the first assignment seems daunting, not used to all this referencing authors and cipd practices etc.
Has anyone else here done level 5 with very limited experience? How much material should I be reading at a time etc? Seems like alot of new information to take in but not much in terms of direction with the online course so far.
All help and direction is greatly appreciated as dont want to give up when iv only just started, and really want to get through this course
Thanks all