Bit of a whinge...

Hi everyone

Struggling with my level 5 assignment (CHR) and feeling a bit stupid...have asked a question to the facilitators and hope to have a response in next few days but honestly finding this assignment much more complex than the first one (DVP).  I have spent 2 weeks going round in circles and getting nowhere at all.

On another note, I will find out tomorrow if I am being made redundant.  This will be the third time in 3 years so you think I would be used to it by now.  It seems our work may have come to an end sooner than expected and we have already laid off 15 people last week.  

On a brighter note, I have an interview Wednesday 15 May and another interview is highly likely for next week also so keeping my fingers crossed. 

Ok, rant over, hope you are all enjoying your bank holiday.


  • Sorry to hear that you're having a tough time, Lisa. Let us know how today goes and feel free to ask support with your assignment - tell us your ideas (and I'm sure you actually have some really good ideas about it) and we can help you build on those.

    We're also happy to give hints and tips on CVs and interview technique - although hopefully you won't need that as it sounds like you are getting out there and getting on with finding that next fabulous job!

    Kind regards

  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Thanks Jackie. Much appreciated.
  • Hi Lisa
    What is it you are struggling with in 5CHR? I completed this a couple of years ago so might be able to help.
  • In reply to Deborah:

    Hi Deborah
    I am up to 'Analyse key forces which influence the HR agenda' and thought I had answered this ok (technological, social and cultural, economic and political and legal environments) but then listened to the webinar for this assignment and it says we have to mention Michigan and Harvard models, soft and hard??? This was not covered in the elearning and I am struggling with how to relate this, explain the two models AND stay within the word count. I am studying with DPG.
    Many thanks
  • In reply to Lisa:

    Hi Lisa
    I didn't have to cover those models sorry.
    I did have to complete a STEEPLE analysis of my organisation.
  • In reply to Deborah:

    I have done a PESTLE and SWOT analysis in the first part of the assignment. Thank you anyway.
  • In reply to Lisa:

    Hi Lisa
    Could you reference how the organisational strategy and approach to HRM influences the overall HR agenda? For example, in a call centre environment, the typical approach would be the hard model. Employees are a resource, paid minimal to do entry level tasks. Trying to influence or implement a soft HR agenda focused on culture, coaching etc would be ineffective in this environment as the business would not buy into it and would not commit to this kind of investment. On the flip side, take Richard Branson's approach to HRM - allowing flexi-working, unlimited holidays, coaching and developing teams, career journeys rather than just "a job to pay the bills", investing in people etc - this could be seen as soft (harvard) HRM and therefore the HR agenda would possibly be focussed on compensation and benefits, internal development and progression opportunities.
    Hope this helps - and good luck with the interview
  • In reply to Chelsea:

    This is what I have so far in response to the question I posted above. Feedback would be very welcome -

    It is essential for an organisation to have a strong identity that separates it from other competitors in its field.

    External factors that can directly or indirectly influence the organisation include social and cultural, technological, economic and political and legal environments.

    Social and cultural includes work ethic, attitude towards work and employee motivation. For example, in UK Power Networks a greater work-life balance is valued and HRM assessed these factors and matched motivators accordingly by offering a very generous annual leave allowance, with the option to buy an extra week each year.

    New technology presented opportunities and challenges for HRM as new employees with the relevant skills were employed and current employees had to undergo relevant training. This was very clear when GDPR regulations came into effect 25 May 2018 and the organisation hired a Data Protection Officer specifically responsible for monitoring compliance with the GDPR.

    One of the biggest external influences is the shape of the current economy. Not only does this affect the talent pool, but it may affect the ability to hire anyone at all. One way to prepare against this is to create a plan for if/when there is an economic downturn.

    Many thanks everyone for your support.
  • In reply to Lisa:

    Hi Lisa,

    (I hope you read this as i know you posted this several months ago)

    I am currently on unit CHR and also studying with DPG. I'm struggling alot with this unit overall. Any chance you can give me tips? Any help will be very appreciated as i really need it!

    Many thanks,


  • In reply to Shazna:

    Hi Shazna
    I am on holiday in Lanzarote until Sunday. Happy to help once I am back. Email me with what you are stuck with - lisa.hodgkiss1968@gmail.com