Level 7 HR in Business Context

Hi I have started studying L7 in HRM and am a couple of weeks away from my first exam. I have started revising topics covered in the sessions but would appreciate any advice around the exam - exam question types, answering effectively, getting the most out of myself and my revision time. Many thanks
  • Hi Ange
    I have just about come to the end of my L7 employment law module, which is my first module however, I have not long finished my Business Management degree and would say that research on what was included on previous papers really helped me pick out the key topics to revise and focus on.
    All the best of luck in your exam, I am sure that you will smash it!

  • Hi Ange, If you search on the cipd website there are past papers that are useful and can be used for practice in preparation for the exam. They also show examiners comments for each question. The case study is sent out around 6 weeks before the exam. Depending on who you study with, I would expect some kind if revision workshop to take place leading up to the exam too. Wishing you the best of luck
  • Hi Ange I did this exam about 5 years ago and found the three most useful things were: 1. Research online the issues raised in the case study - I found a real life scenario that was close to it and it really broadened how I could answer the exam questions 2. Follow the current news. Just before my exam, Davos was running and I was able to pull on a lot of what I read about the topics covered there and how they related to business strategy. 3. Ensure you understand your own employer's HR and business strategy, and how it applies (or doesn't) HR models and strategies. In summary, I found understanding real life business issues to be at least as useful as learning models; for every question I linked my response to a real life scenario, which gave me a 'hook' on which to hang references, models, etc. I hope that helps, and good luck! Karen