CIPD Level 3 - 3RAI


Is anyone else currently working through the 3RAI assignment specifically working on the Oldbridge council data and struggling?



  • Hi Emma yes I’m now on 3rai and struggling with the oldbridge council data as you can relate any of them to one another. Have you finished it now?
  • In reply to Lucinda:

    Hey Lucinda I have completed it and got it returned from my tutor with some comments. I'm in the middle of completing another one so haven't a chance to look at her comments yet! How are you getting on? Let me know what you're stuck on and I'll try and help :)
  • In reply to Emma:

    That’s great you’ve got it completed and returned, did you pass or did you need to add anything else? Thank you, really kind of you the same to you if I can help with anything just shout :)
  • In reply to Emma:

    Hi, I am struggling also with it as not sure how I can present the data in three different formats. I used a table, a Smart Art to categorise the questions , and chart. But I can say that all shows the same questions and percentages... :|