MSc Dissertation please advise

Hi community 

I'm conducting a qualitative research project (case study) on HR shared services in the NHS (CCGs). I will interview 3 CEOs and the Director of the HR shared service. 

Are the number of interviews enough? I want to ask questions about why they chose HRSS, benefits to organisation, benefits to staff etc. 

Could anyone help me in phrasing these better? Any advise is welcome!! 

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Averkios,

    With my academic hat on I would say that this isn’t a big enough sample size for a Master’s dissertation - but you’d really need to check with your tutor.

    Your methodology would need to be really tight and your arguments well supported to make this work - such as clearly showing there is/isn’t homogenisation. I believe that there’s only a handful of CCG’s still using shared services so it may be you ask ‘why’.

    It may also be worth comparing/contrasting what the CEO’s say by interviewing the end users - ie: the managers on the front-line using this service.

    Hope this helps.
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Hi Teresa - many thanks for the reply. It definitely is helpful.