Returning to the HR profession after career break

Hi everyone, after a bit of guidance....

So I was an HR practitioner before I had my son (child off to uni in a couple of years) and now find myself at a bit of a cross-roads.

Whilst child rearing I did a graphic design qualification and kept a bit of an HR hand in with policy development and advice for various small businesses and voluntary organisations. A couple of years ago I went back to a workplace to a facilities management role which challenged all the issues of returning to a commercial work place... confidence, skills etc. So now Ive proven to myself that it's still there - so to speak! Im wondering about my next move. I had thought not back into HR because I never got to CIPD and my competency was experienced based throughout the jobs I had. However, I jolly well miss it! I find myself advising myself as a manager in the third person and wanting to solve employment related issues which isn't my area! The other thing Ive picked up over the years is a propensity for H&S so NEBOSH is also being thrown at me.

Arrrrggggg. Help!

I know its pricey and I know it'll be Level 7. Should I take the plunge, Am I too old to get back into the game, can I do it. Is this going backwards not forwards. Where do I start or should I start! Professional qualification route?

I'd welcome advice from anyone and everyone but especially returning to work parents who've been in this position.

Thanks in advance for your time.

  • Hi Angie

    Lately I have seen a lot of Office Manager /Facilities roles that require someone to oversee the HR function so, I think that if you were willing to consider that route, that might give you a good chance to get back in to HR.

    Level 7 is a big investment but it sounds like you have a lot of practical experience which depending on the employer, many find as valuable (if not more) than an actual qualification. You may even manage to get a role where the employer might consider sponsoring you in your quest to achieve this if you're lucky.

    Another way to brush up on your skills if you feel a little bit out of the loop so to speak you could look at attending seminars with employment law updates and any CIPD events that might bring you up to speed.

    In terms of women returners, there are a few industries that actually do particular initiatives to target people such as yourself. Others on here may be able to point to more specific examples.

    Wishing you the best of luck in getting back in to it.
  • I suggest you explore the world of 'Returnships' which are becoming increasingly popular among employers. I have a curated list of 24 organisations that offer support to returners on my twitter account here: twitter.com/.../members

    I suggest you talk with one or two of them, find out what the prospects are for returning into HR, what skills employers are emphasizing and what the competition is like before you make any decisions about studying.

    Good luck.
  • In reply to Cass Clothier:

    Thanks so much Cass. Yes, Id been targeting HR roles specifically but as Im in facilities management now then that might be a better search. Just need to find something with the right balance. Where I am now doesn't give much opportunity because the employee ratio is so low.

    Great idea about CIPD events and seminars. That will help me to cement where Im heading.

    Anna posted about women returners in industry so Im going to check that out as that kind of support would be helpful.

    Thanks again Cass
  • In reply to Anna:

    Thanks Anna

    None of the organisations look HR specific but will take a good look at them.

