Progression from administrator level

Hi all, 

I’m looking for a bit of advice on where to go next in my career, as I feel I am stuck in ‘a bit of a rut.’ 

I am currently a HR administrator and have been for a year now, I was previously a HR co-ordinator for two years but unfourtuently became redundant. I have recently competed my CIPD L3 diploma, and I start my level 5 at the end of the month. 

I recently had my appraisal and mentioned to my manager I would like to sit in disciplinarys ect to gain some more experience but her reply was that I’m ‘too young to move up yet’ (I’m 23) and should stay doing administration for a few more years and she needs to concentrate on getting the other HR officers to advisorsry level first as they have been with the company longer. 

I feel I need to move on to gain more experience as this company is not offering me the chance, I am very career driven and I cannot stay doing basic admin work for years to come. Would I be best moving back up to co-ordinator level or more officer? I’m not sure what the next step is to take. 

Many thanks

  • Saying (or believing) you are too young is clear age discrimination. (Having others ahead of you in the development queue is another matter and potentially fine). Your Manager really shouldn't have said that .

    On the substantive question I would worry much less about job title and focus on job contents. Look at roles and how much development they give you. Outside the public sector Officer is not that common a title.
  • Hi Caitlin,
    I'm 23 and a HR Manager - I don't say this to rub your face in it but if you find the right company and manager your age absolutely needn't be a factor. I struggled in a previous role too so I really feel for you.

    If you're passionate about your progression and aren't getting what you need from your current manager or don't feel they have the right attitude to your development, you've got some options:

    - Try and have an honest, very carefully framed conversation with your manager about how you really are keen to progress and want to make a plan to move past administration and work with her on how to get there. This depends on how receptive you think she'll be; your post suggests she may not be.
    - Cut your losses and start looking for a new role - great time to be looking for a new job too. Like Keith says, focus on the duties and development opportunities within the role not the title.

    Good luck and please feel free to message me privately if you'd like to talk more.