Advice needed for dissertation topic on recruitment


I am an HR student going on to my final year at University which comes along with choosing a dissertation topic. I am interested in the area of Recruitment and Selection but I'm struggling with finding a specific topic that requires attention within recruitment agencies.

Would be very grateful for any guidance.

  • Welcome to the communities - as a starter for ten

    1) Is working in a recruitment agency a sales or a people job?

    2) How has (or will?) technology alter the business model for recruitment agencies and what skills will be needed in the future?

    3) How can recruitment firms add value to the candidate experience?

    4) Investigate ways that mass recruitment by agencies can be made candidate centric

    5) How has GDPR impacted on the traditional recruitment cycle

    6) Ethics and Recruitment Agencies - do they mix?

    7) How has game theory be utilised in mas recruitment?

    But its really about what rocks your boat and where you think you can get the data
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    30 Aug, 2018 15:01

    Welcome to the Community, Katerina.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you so much for the reply, this is very helpful. Ethics and recruitment Agencies seems very interesting.
    Kind regards.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Could I just ask, as I need to base my research on a specific company and carry out field work within that company, such as interviews, surveys etc. I have contacted 2 recruitment agencies briefly stating what my research would be about and asking for cooperation, unfortunately have not received any replies. I have doubts whether an agency will want to work with me as my dissertation might lean towards putting the organisation in a bad light. Would you have any recommendations regarding this matter?
    Thank you in advance,
  • In reply to Katarina:

    Are you still going with ethics in recruitment Katarina? You might be better off approaching some of the newer agencies that focus on flexible working as their aim is to change practices so I'm making the (possibly huge and erroneous) assumption they would be more concerned with ethics.
  • In reply to Anna:

    Yes, I would like to. Thank you for the advise, will try to contact newer agencies and see what the response is. Do you think it would be worth just looking at a different area within recruitment agencies?
  • In reply to Katarina:

    The decision about topic has to be yours Katarina since you'll be doing the hard work :-) We can only support you!
    You'll find a list of flexible agencies on my twitter profile here: twitter.com/.../members
  • In reply to Anna:

    Thank you very much for your help, I am very grateful :)
  • In reply to Anna:

    I have finally decided to go with investigating the recruitment process for primary school teachers, seems like this would be very interesting and something I would like to do in the future :)
  • In reply to Katarina:

    Good luck Katarina, do make use of this Community again if you need support. BW Anna
  • In reply to Katarina:

    You may get some good advice on the HR in Schools and Academies board here. School based recruitment is incredibly different from any other sector I've ever worked in! Very happy to discuss if it's helpful at all (though I work in a senior school; governor at a primary school).
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thank you, that would be very helpful.