What level to start? not in HR role

I am a mum of 3 (all at school age) and work from home as a bookkeeper, I have been wanting to do a course in HR for some times as my role seems to be taking that route albeit remotely and while I am able to I thought it would be a good idea to start now. I was advised to start on Level 5 but I feel out of my depth and would like to drop down to level 3.

Can anyone advise me on how much different this course is to Level 5?

  • Hi Lauren - welcome to the communities.

    There are lots of threads that you might find useful if you use the search facilities of people in similar situations to your own.

    Personally I would advise you to start at level 3 - it should build knowledge and confidence. Its better that its too basic than too stretching and as you are making a total career change it will be good to get the foundations in.
  • Hi Lauren, I am half way through my L3 it is definitely the best starting point as it teaches you the foundations. I have been in Recruitment and generalist HR before so have been fairly confident with the most but I have still learnt a huge amount too! I do mine through a virtual campus with Avado and I would highly recommend it! Good Luck!