Printing Personal Profession Map

Hello all.

i was wondering if anyone had discovered how to print their personal Profession Map report. I can print what is showing on the screen but would like to print out the full report against each section. Any clues would be appreciated.


  • Hi there, I was just trying to do the same thing and came across your post. Hopefully you've already found the answer, but just in case:

    On the assessments results page under the Professions Map, there is a section that says 'How did you do? Be social...' There are buttons to print or download the reports on the left of that section - although I can't see anything that will let you download the report all in one go, you seem to have to print or download by each behaviour/professional area.

    Hope that helps.
  • In reply to Sarah Wood:

    Thank you Sarah, that is much easier than copy and pasting to Word