Experience first or CIPD

Hi members,

I am confused in here hope you guys can help. I have my masters in HR which have been completed around 10 years ago but never get the chance to get into HR job. And right now I  am working as administrator in an auditing firm. I am planning to go for CIPD Level 5 in sept but was wondering if without the actual experience in HR would it be difficult while doing the assignments.

I would really appreciate if could someone let me know should I go for the experience in any HR assistant role before going for CIPD or can continue my current administrative job while doing CIPD.

Thanks in advance.

  • With a Masters in HRM the thing holding you back is not the CIPD qualifications but experience. Go for experience and then add in ...
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith, thanks for replying as my concern is I had my masters in HR not from UK and I think we need to be professionally qualified here with CIPD before getting into any Job.
  • Hi Heena,

    You could do either really, but I think you would benefit more from the experience. Even though your Masters was 10 years ago and not UK based, you will still have the knowledge to draw from in an HR role.
    It may also be easier to complete the CIPD whilst working in HR as some of the coursework asks you to draw on examples.

    The CIPD qualification alone will not guarantee you a job; and from my own experiences and the feedback from others on here most employers would prefer experience over a qualification.

    Whichever way you decide to go, good luck with it!
  • In reply to Hannah:

    Thanks very much Hannah. I think I would go for job first to have some experience and then may be go for CIPD.
  • I always say experience helps as your everyday work you can reflect on
  • In reply to Hannah:

    I agree. If I'd known that experience is preferred I'd have done my training in tandem.
  • In reply to Hannah:

    Hi Hannah, I am not sure what kind of roles I can apply. As I have been applying for assistant roles they are also asking for minimum 1 year of experience which unfortunately I am missing.
    Could you please help.
  • I'd definitely recommend you gain experience. If you can afford to start as an HR administrator. There are probably more activities in your current role that are transferable and referencable in your CV. Good Luck!