Am I being naive?

Perhaps I am! I’ve been applying for HR jobs left, right and centre and nothing, not even an interview. It’s really demotivating as I worked extremely hard to get my CIPD qualification, so much so that I am about to start my level 7. Now I may not have worked in a solely HR role but I do have experience and many transferable skills that I feel would benefit many organisations. I would have thought that being CIPD qualified would mean something? And it’s not like I am applying for BP roles. I know I need to take a pay cut and work my way up but there’s just been no interest in what I have to offer
  • I got an interview!!!!!

    Huge thanks to Alan Price who forwarded my CV to Croner-I and I have secured an interview with them over the next few weeks! I actually could not be any happier!!! Even if I’m unsuccessful it’s all good practice and experience. However…..fingers crossed please ;)

    Thanks to everyone for your advice and support over the last few weeks, and especially to Alan and Keith! What a great community!!!
  • In reply to Andrew:

    Great to see the community providing opportunities for you Andrew
  • In reply to Andrew:

    Be assured Andrew I'll be getting out my lucky rabbits foot, horse shoe, 4 leafed clover and any other good luck charm I can get my hands on. :-)
    Seriously though, lovely news and wishing you lots of luck.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    3 Sep, 2021 12:18

    In reply to Andrew:

    That's great news!

    Thank you, @Alan and best of luck, Andrew.
  • In reply to Alan:

    I really can't thank you enough!
  • In reply to Clare Marie:

    You and me both lol!!!
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you!!!
  • If you want , have a look at all the free resources and info I put on my HR Instagram page : @hr.habitat

    It’ll give you a wealth of industry knowledge. Only if you want . Thanks. Tina
  • In reply to Tina:

    Wow thank you!!!
  • Hi Andrew,

    I just want to say that I was in the exact position 5 years ago exactly. I ended up going into a payroll/HR assistant position where I gained experience. Since then I have moved on to a new company and in two years worked up to Senior HR Manager. I can understand your frustration but keep trying for any HR experience you can get (I even volunteered for free in a HR department for 6 months to get experience), something will happen eventually and it will make it all worthwhile!
  • Hey Becci!!! Thanks for the response. Applying for lots of positions and actually managed to het a few interviews, as well as a lot of rejections. However, feedback has been generally very good so hoping that the right opportunity will come by soon.
  • In reply to Andrew:

    I'm glad to hear it. I've also been through many interviews that didn't work out, some I was never even given an outcome of! (so rude) I will keep my fingers crossed for you and wish you the best of luck!
  • In reply to Becci Lloyd:

    Thank you!!!
  • In reply to Becci Lloyd:

    I'm still waiting for the outcome to an interview I had in April 2011. Somehow I just don't think it was my lucky day .... :-)
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    17 Sep, 2021 13:50

    In reply to Andrew:

    Andrew not sure which CIPD branch you're linked to geographically, but many branches will happily help you with some career support etc. It's worth contacting the branch to see if anyone might be able to help. Also a great way of extending your knowledge on HR topics through their free events and networking with fellow professionals in your area. www.cipd.co.uk/.../branches-listing