Voluntary opportunities available for gaining HR experience

Hi All,

I'm a lvl 5 CIPD student and working as a HR Advisor for volunteers for St John Ambulance. With the limited promotional opportunities available to charities for voluntary roles it can be difficult to fill some posts. A colleague suggested reaching out to local universities and I immediately thought of here so I'm opening it up to you all first :)

I am actively looking for volunteers for HR roles in the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland area. I have vacancies open for roles suitable for someone studying towards lvl 3 http://www.sja.org.uk/sja/volunteer/the-role-for-you/volunteer-vacancies---new/vacancy-details.aspx?Id=7714 or lvl 5 http://www.sja.org.uk/sja/volunteer/the-role-for-you/volunteer-vacancies---new/vacancy-details.aspx?Id=77150 

It works out a few hours a week which you can fit around your own schedule, mostly from the comfort of your own home. The only prerequisite is you need to be able to travel across the district to meetings, so it will be difficult if you don't have a car.

If you are interested but not based in this area please still feel free to register your interest with me. I know there are opportunities available in districts nationwide, and I will pass your information along to my colleagues.

Let me know if any questions, thanks!

  • Hi Rebecca,

    Thank you very much for posting the voluntary opportunities here.

    I visited the SJA website and found a post in my area (Unit HR Lead- Eastbourne), I am wondering if you could offer me some advice on filling in the online application and interview preparation?

    Many thanks,
  • Hi Rebecca,

    I'm planning on starting my Lvl 5 CIPD in September / October 2018 and would definitely be looking for some HR volunteer experience in the Leicestershire area. I currently work in the analytics field rather than HR and see volunteering as a great way to give something back and gain much needed experience. I've just registered on the SJA website so hope an opportunity comes up soon.


    David K.
  • In reply to Theodora:

    Hi Theodora,

    That's great news :) More than happy to help. If you could drop me an email at rebecca.dawson@sja.org.uk with your questions I can respond/give you a call. I don't make it on to the forum here as often as I had hoped!

    Kind regards,
  • In reply to David Kendrick:

    Hi David,

    We absolutely have a position open in Leicestershire, please drop me an email at rebecca.dawson@sja.org.uk to discuss.

    Apologies for the slow response, my CIPD login is tied to my personal email not my work one so my alerts can get lost in the email soup.

    I look forward to speaking with you soon :)

  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hi Rebecca,

    Thank you very much and definitely no need to apologise.

    I certainly will do. Once the family and I return from our vacation next week.

    Kindest regards

  • Hi do you know if there will be positions in or around London?
  • Ditto ops near Brighton please!!!
  • In reply to Teresa:

    SJA have a permanent HR Advisor role being advertised in Brighton at the moment if that's any help!

    For volunteering roles in and around Brighton, have you used this website? volunteer.bhcommunityworks.org.uk/
    I've seen a couple of volunteering HR roles on there as well as some general admin roles.
  • In reply to Lizzie:

    Hello Rebecca,
    Please i am currently looking for HR volunteer roles to gain work experience. I am in London. Any help? You can reach me through this email address: owolabioluwaseun199@gmail.com
  • Hey Rebecca. Recently picked up my CIPD studies again and saw your post. I have 20 years work experience and lots of qualifications, but no solid HR track record. Anything that would help me get some HR experience would be appreciated. Happy to send you my CV. Thanks, David.
  • In reply to Michelle:

    Keep an eye either on the SJA website under volunteers, alternatively, I'm now posting positions as they come available on People Management Jobs online in the volunteer section, vacancies will also be on Personnel Today jobs. Past few weeks we were looking for people in Birmingham, Thame in Oxfordshire and Maidenhead, but these are now closed. Vacancies are only advertised for something like 20 days.
  • In reply to Paul:

    District HR Officer vacancy in Guildford can be found here pmjobs.cipd.co.uk/.../
  • In reply to Paul:

    if any opportunities come up in the Nottingham/Leicester area i would be very interested
  • Hi Rebecca,
    Hope you are ok.
    I know this post is from last August however, I am currently looking to gain some HR experience in Burton and Derby area. I'm qualified at level 3 and is currently doing level 5 and I desperately in need of some experience.
    Can you help in any way at all.

    Thanks in advance

  • In reply to Yaniquesha:

    Unfortunately, we don't have anything the East Midlands at the moment, please be aware these vacancies when they do come up are not a quick fix in getting relevant experience to gain a full-time job elsewhere, the chances are you will most probably be up against someone with experience, also for District HR Lead positions relevant experience is essential. At the present time, we have vacancies in Berkshire pmjobs.cipd.co.uk/.../ and Oxfordshire pmjobs.cipd.co.uk/.../ Although some of the role can be done from home, you will need to live and be able to travel within that area as there are District meetings to attend, unit visits some which require you to be onsite at 6.30 pm. These are voluntary roles and unpaid however expenses are paid for travelling, however as St John Ambulance is a charity we couldn't consider someone who was prepared to commute from outside the advertised areas.