
Hi all,

I have not long started my CIPD level 3 course at college.  I currently work in mental health as a specialised advocate and am looking to change career into HR as I feel I have many transferable skills.  Due to not having any experience in HR currently (I had been applying for a voluntary position in HR on a Friday to gain some experience, but Covid-19 stopped that unfortunately) I am now seeking a mentor.  This was suggested to me by my course tutor.  I have been given the 4DEL assignment which focusses on the specific role of your choice. So far I have been unable to identify which role is my preference.  I have an idea of which HR roles would suit my skill set and which I would enjoy, can get my teeth into and perform at.

I am looking for some guidance really, to be able to ask questions to and for encouragement.

Thank you for your time.


  • Hi Kerry, welcome to the forum. Here's a couple of suggestions to get you off the starting blocks:
    - it's worth posting this same question onto the discussion forums for HR Zone (HRZone.com), Personnel Today (PersonelToday.com) and Training Zone (TrainingZone.co.uk) as you may get some responses there.

    - Always worth doing a quick search on historic threads for mentors on this forum as the subject crops up occasionally.

    - Assuming you're a CIPD member please contact your local CIPD branch for some signposting plus the local branch should have a group on LinkedIn so worth checking up and perhaps posting something there.

    - How well do you get on with your college classmates? If they're working in HR they might know of someone who would consider mentoring a fledging HR star.

    - have a look at the career section on this website as it may offer some guidance on planning your career path.

    Hope something here helps and always come back to the forum if and when you feel the community can help. :-)