Struggling to find HR job

Hi all,

I am currently looking for a job as an HR administrator/assistant but keep being rejected. 
I do have over seven years experience in workforce planning and recruitment but still not getting anywhere. 

I’m also entering the final stages of my level 7 Msc Human Resources management course but this doesn’t help me either. 

Has anyone any tips on how to make myself attractive to employers or on how they entered more explicit HR roles? 

any advice is appreciated! Many thanks  

  • Hi Lizzie,

    I think ironically the main barrier for you could be the level 7 CIPD studies. These are at a level far and above an entry level position in the HR field so recruiters may be confused and feel you are significantly overqualified.

    Have you considered or tried applying for Advisor level positions or higher? You may find that you just need that first interview to be able to better explain your experience, where you want to go in HR and how you want to progress. From the written word, it is very easy to make assumptions and write people off.

    Another barrier is that typically, unless you have experience in an HR specific role, many will not consider you (chicken and the egg).

    Another avenue could be going for recruitment roles, and then once you're in, look at shadowing etc. and moving sideways if an opportunity arises at that employer?
  • 1. Given your experience is in recruitment/workforce planning, why are you seeking to move to generalist HR?

    2. Why did you decide to undertake a Level 7 qualification?

    Probably the easiest route into HR at entry level is via temp admin roles. These tend to be ten a penny and rotate frequently and rapidly, but they offer a chance to demonstrate punctuality, reliability and intelligence to an employer who may have more permanent opportunities opening up. Be honest about your aspiration to move into generalist HR and they may be willing and able to involve you, providing some of that practical experience HR recruiters are looking for.

    As Mark has implied, a Level 7 qualification is massive overkill for entry HR admin. I have gathered before that graduates in other fields are often encouraged towards a Level 7 by institutions (because it's the postgrad leve of study) but this qualification actually provides little value to either student or potential employer because the qualification alone, without the practical experience of HR in the workplace, can be a disadvantage in several respects: you may be more qualified (on paper) than your recruiter; you may have an unrealistic idea of how HR practice works (academic theory and everyday reality rarely square up); and you will give the impression of someone looking to hurry up the pole from admin to manager (where your qualifications belong) when they are looking for someone prepared to do the role for at least 3 years in most cases.
  • Don't worry, you're not alone, I'm also struggling to find a HR job.
  • Hi Lizzie,

    If you are finding that you are constantly getting rejected for roles you feel you have experience in, I would revisit your CV. I would suggest that your experience and skills may not be fully represented and this is why you are not getting past the shortlisting stage. Make sure it reflects the skills and experience required (mirror the keywords in the Job Description) without embellishing of course! For example, if you are going for HR Admin roles - do you have plenty of evidence of administration duties - is the term administration even in your CV?!

    Hope this helps.