Final HR Assistant Interview..

Hi All,

I have a final interview for a HR Assistant role later this week and have started to do the preparation for it. I've passed the first stage interview and the two in-tray exercises I was given, but I now need to meet with the HR director.

I don't really know what to expect or what they may ask me, the first interview was quite detailed in terms of competency based interview questions. I don't really have anything else to say! There is one more candidate in the running for it.

What should I be preparing for? In my first interview, I did research the company in great details and expanded on my answers as much as possible? Any help would be appreciated!
  • Hi Rachael,

    It is impossible to know what this final interview will consist of. However, as you have already passed a competency based interview and the exercises my best guess would be that this is the opportunity for the HR Director to see if he/she feels that they can work with you and that you will fit into their department.

    I would maybe expect questions around how you see your career progressing in HR, maybe bits about working in a team and then some stuff around the culture of the organisation etc. My best guess would be that this is more of a getting to know you as a person interview and therefore nothing you can really prepare for except for maybe talking about your career plan and how the role and company you are interviewing for will fit in with that.

    Good luck!