Best reason(s) for having policies?

I wondered if any of the forumites had encountered aversion/resistance to introducing policies and procedures and, if so, what arguments you used to overcome this resistance?  What were the killer arguments in favour that won people over?    

  • In reply to Victoria:

    I wholeheartedly agree. Victoria. Too often policies are used like sticking-plasters to patch over either poor management, or aversely-perceived risk: "Someone sneezed! Oh goodness! We need an anti-germ-spreading policy!" (Instead of a five minute chat with the employee about the use of handkerchiefs and courtesy to his colleagues).

    In my view policies should state where we want to be (starting with principles, but regarding practical objectives also) with procedure providing direction on how we advocate getting there. The key to those procedures being effective, however, being the complementary adaptability of good management and real leadership.

    Without those latter, we end up with more and more trivial policies and complex, often unworkable, procedures, seeking to cross every imaginable T and dot every conceivable i.

    ....which of course no-one ever reads (or knows exist).

    (Good for collecting dust on shelves though) :-)
