Trying to recruit an HR Apprentice

Hi all,

I have been delighted when my request to recruit an HR Apprentice to help me out with HR admin was approved. However I am now struggling to find a training provider to recruit an HR Apprentice. We are based in London. Insofar as my understanding of the process, I need to first find an apprenticeship training provider that does the course that I need and then recruit candidates through them.

I have spoken to a couple of providers now and they seem to be saying that HR apprenticeships won't start until October, and both standards (HR Support level 3 and HR Partner/Consultant level 5) haven't even been approved by the government yet. From a search on the gov uk apprenticeship website it says 'this standard is not ready to use' whatever that means. After frantically googling hr apprenticeship providers to no avail I am stuck.

I would be very grateful if you could share your knowledge about HR apprenticeships (do they exist? can it happen asap or only next year?) and any experience of recruiting an HR apprentice. Is it an option to get a Business Admin course apprentice and get them to work in HR admin? Doesn't seem ideal at all...

Kind regards,


  • I recruited a HR Apprentice as part of my last role but we went down the Business Administration route with the HR modules/focus. All the modules fit around the work they were doing so it worked well for us at that level.
  • We also had to go down the Business Admin route as well but she did her CIPD Level 3 alongside.
  • In reply to Catherine Haycock:

    Hi Maria
    Unless things have recently changed which I doubt very much you can pick your own HR apprentice and then engage any learning provider you like to put them with

    Whatever organisation provides Careers Guidance to young people in your area should be able to advise you about providers and act in same way as Jobcentres do but hopefully a lot more effectively. In many parts of the country they used to be branded as 'Connexions' but they're now deemed insufficiently important by Government so are now patchy provision.

    But if in difficulty talk with the Head of Careers at your local secondary school.

    Business Admin apprenticeships with HR options will be a lot more common than higher-level HR ones but in London especially there should be plenty of the latter if you need more than simple stuff.

    Once you have shortlisted learning providers, you can check their ratings on the OFSTED website

  • Hi Maria,
    we are just waiting for the standards to be approved as we. Will be offering this to our clients. Some of my clients have decided to go down the Business admin route while we wait for the standards. Let me know if you need details of a provider who can help you in London.
  • Like others, we also went down the Business Admin route with our HR Apprentice. She's just finished her L3 and will be starting the CIPD L3 in September
  • Hi Maria

    I have used BPP to recruit a HR apprentice to study their level 3 the course starts in October so the lady isn't starting with us until September (I work in education so works okay for us!)
