Moving towards a strategic role

Hi all, I would appreciate some advice.

I have been in my current role of HR Manger for almost 4 years.  It started out as stand alone but has evolved over the years and I now have a HR Assistant doing the admin work. The company employs 100+ community based employees with a small number of office based staff.  My HR duties were mainly focused towards the non-office based staff and the structure in the office was flat with the MD dealing directly with office staff.  The company is growing rapidly and the MD is involving me more in operations and strategic planning. My question is - how do I handle the current relationships I have with the office staff who traditional viewed me as a peer. The MD has not openly disclosed where my role is going with the rest of the staff.  With the HR Assistant taking on a lot of day to day HR activities, do people have advice as to what areas I should be focusing on.

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Barbara and welcome back

    I was reminded of your earlier post


    Which covered some of the same ground - what has progressed since then and how has your relationship with the MD developed?
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith

    So since my last post things have progressed well. I took on board some of the advice offered. I had a good conversation with the MD and he gained a better understanding of what most of my day consisted of (hr admin) and agreed it was not a good use of my time. so we hired a HR assistant. We have a better working relationship now, i have presented my suggestions/solutions in a better way and stopped being a go-between and taking things so personally. I explain the HR views on things and let him use that to make his decision and I feel he has more respect for my opinion. I am more confident in my role and certainly feel like I am adding value.

    I am still struggling with the relationships with the office staff, I am just not sure where I "sit". The MD has spoken to me a number of times about me taking on the operational management of the company but not made this clear to others in the office. I would like advice on how to best handle this and how to map out a clear path.

    Hope this makes sense! I find it difficult to know what direction to go in without any other HR heads for advice and the MD has limited (zero) guidance!

  • In reply to Barbara :

    That makes sense Barbara and its good to hear there has been real progress since your last post.

    I think the first thing is being clear what role you want. Do you want to be a HR manager or do you want to be an Operational manager. Whilst the two aren't mutually exclusive it would help you I think if you were clear in which direction your personally saw your role developing.

    I think in effect there are three possible main roles here...

    1) Expanded HR Manager - taking on full people responsibilities for both the field and office staff. Over time being seen as the go to person and your role and status growing as you made a real difference to the people approach in your organisation.

    2) An Administration Manager / Head. Keeping people responsibility but also developing into facilities, admin, H&S, office stuff etc etc. Often in smaller businesses the HR bod would have responsibilities for many of these things.

    3) A true Operations Manager - running the core operations of your company. Getting involved in the nuts and bolts of the key service/product you supply. In effect alongside the Finance Head and the MD being the three key people who run the business. Ultimately you would pas almost all Hr responsibility to your admin person as they grow.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith

    That's really helpful thank you for your response.

    I think I will sit down with the MD and maybe explore the options available and we can decide which route is best.

    Appreciate your time,
