Hi All
I am currently in a standalone HRM role that doesn't really have the support or backing from the MD (my line manager).
It's made my confidence drop dramatically and second guess everything I'm doing in fear of messing up and loosing my job.
My last role was standalone HRM reporting into the states and made redundant and the role previous to that was standalone.
As it's been almost 5 years without working with a team or anyone else in HR I'm wondering what would people recommend.
In my previous roles I've always had the support/backing of my manager which helped my confidence grow, now I don't have that as the owner (my manager) just likes to find the blame when things go wrong then move on- I'm second guessing everything I'm doing, I'm anxious all the time and starting to dread coming into work.
Just looking for some guidence really as I am struggling to cope with the pressure.
Thank you!