Would being honest about previous employer be harmful to my chances?

Hi Everyone,

I have an interview on Monday, I left my job at the start of the year when my maternity ended, due to the way the director was running his company, which over time had got worse and worse, the company brand had got beyond repair, he did not listen nor care about people, no matter what i tried to do to convince him or the managers within he was old school call centre sales, and saw them as a resource to use and burn out. I knew when I went on maternity and had completed by level 7, I would not be a part of this, the positive for me is I gained a wealth of experience dealing with the employee relations matters. My concern is if my prospective employer looks up the company reviews, they would see it was not well thought of and rightly so. But am i honest that this is why i did not return? As I am looking for less hours now with 2 young children, and this position offers this so this has been reasoning on applications for why i left my position, that it was full time, which is true but my employer was willing to let me work flexibly so it wasnt my reason for leaving. I dont want to be dishonest unless it would harm my chances. 

  • It’s unlikely they will look up company reviews. Most people just don’t do the research on candidates.

    In general and if it comes up I would expansion you left because of the hours AND the approach to people. Making it clear you are not a fluffy HR person but that his approach was just counter productive.

    Good luck tomorrow.
  • I think there's a way to be honest without putting too much weight on the past. "I'm looking for a new opportunity where I can contribute to a positive culture etc etc". I agree with Keith though that I wouldn't research previous employers' reputations.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    19 Mar, 2019 10:43

    I hope the interview went well, Cher
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks, it went well, it was my first interview in many years so I’m seeing it as good experience and if I get it that’s a bonus. They didn’t ask me a lot about why I left my last role, so I focused on the role positively but was honest that I was the driving force behind most HR changes.
  • In reply to Cher:

    I am leaving a company today that I have only been in for 11 weeks for a similar reason and was honest but diplomatic in my interview (and all others) for my next role I think it's important to show you are leaving as ethically it doesn't fit with your moral compass. I believe in being honest and not having an agenda as I am interviewing them as much as they are interviewing me!

    Fingers crossed your job search goes well.
