Really, really weird interview...

I've just had a second interview with a local medium-sized company for the role of HR manager. First interview was standard with several 'Give an example of when you...' and 'What would you do if...' questions. So far, so good.

I was one of two asked back for a second interview. The second interview, which with the same two interviewers as before but also the CEO, was an hour of 'If you were an animal, what would it be', 'Who would you most like to have round for dinner', 'Where's your ideal holiday', and 'What's your perfect weekend'. 

Eh??? Did I miss the CIPD's briefing on new questioning regime?

Were they just trying to see if I'd fit in (which is what I was told) or were there ulterior motives behind each of the questions. Because I said 'hedgehog' to the animal question does this mean I'm prickly and hide from conflict; should I have said something more aggressive like Rottweiler or polecat? As 'Italy' was my ideal holiday does that mean I'm unadventurous and conventional; should I have gone backpacking in the Andes or building schools in Malawi? By the end of the hour I was absolutely drained. 

Joking aside, it was actually a surreal experience and made me wonder what I was getting myself into. Luckily, I didn't get the job. Anyone else had - or conducted - an interview like this?

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I didn't get asked, but I have dressed up as Robin (Batman's accomplice) for the Lego cards launch at the supermarket I worked at as a HR person. No shoplifters for the 4 hours we were running around. I was asked "is there something not on your C.V. that is interesting about you?' to which I replied about repairing my Daugthers' car and being a good car mechanic. It went down quite well as she wrote it in her notes.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve,

    My profile is still showing as a Student Member. I am fully qualified to Associate Level, how do I change it?
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Nov, 2019 08:40

    In reply to Jules:

    Hi Jules,

    It will change automatically - or should - once your change in status works it's way through our system. Shouldn't be too long. When did you become qualified?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    September 13th was my graduation day.
  • You might find that they are not looking at what your actual answer is but the structure or thought process behind it. At my current workplace we have a cultural interview where some might perceive the questions to be weird. but I actually don't care what your favourite food is, I'm interested in the level of detail you give me and how structured your thinking is when giving me a recipe.
  • Once went to a second interview and they just said do you have any questions, I was taken aback and said no, so they said ok then and that was it! Didn’t get the job but later in another organisation meet and worked with the interviewer who remembered and apologised said it was something to do with company policy lol
  • In reply to jill:

    Hi Jill
    Maybe I’m an exception, but for me “Do you have any questions” is a normal thing to ask.
    As examples :
    1) There may be areas that the candidate may want to know more about, but which have not been covered sufficiently for them to develop an understanding of, or formulate a final opinion on, the job, on the company etc.
    2) They can also take it as an opportunity for the candidate to move the exchange back into areas of potential strength in order to create another “selling opportunity” for their application.
    3) .... etc
    As a candidate I cannot think of a single interview where I DIDN’T have outstanding questions to ask from my preparatory notes or checklist..,,
    What IS SURPRISING is the manager not knowing the reason he was expected to ask the question - or maybe not, given how badly m
    managers are often prepared for interviewing.....,
  • Does anyone know if it is more common to interview for temporary roles?
  • In reply to Ray:

    I thought this too but on re-reading Jill's post I think that may have been the only question they asked at the second interview?
  • There are many more professional and robust ways of determining fit or not. Unfortunately, this seems to be an increasingly common approach, disappointing, especially when we discover that it is CIPD members on the other side of the table facilitating or supporting such behaviours.
    For you, a lucky escape - for the company I hope they got the candidate they deserve!
  • I've not experienced quite such bizarre questions for a sustained period, but a few times I've had some quite odd ones thrown at me such as how would I handle a situation where a member of staff thought there were a lion ? I've often heard a few times as well about people asked questions about what colour jelly baby they would be. I've certainly been on the end a couple of times of a good cop, bad cop approach as well.
  • I was once made to sing during an interview years back because I had mentioned on my CV that I belonged to a choir. The interview was for an Estate Agency position... I thought they were joking at first but they weren't!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    18 Dec, 2019 12:19

    In reply to Natasha:

    I thought you would at least 'sing' this as it's your first post, Natasha ;)

    Welcome :)
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thank you!
    I never heard back from that company - unsure as to whether this was because of my lack of experience or a poor song choice! :)
  • My weirdest interview was for the MOD, back in the 90's. My then husband had been posted with the RAF and mentioned to his Commanding officer that i wasn't moving with him until i had found a job in the area. They told him that there was a low level role available in the HR Team and although it was a much lower level than I had been working at, i applied.

    I turned up for the interview and was ushered into a room that had a single chair, (no table, water or anything else at all) at one end and a long table around which sat 5 men in full Uniform, the other end, about 25 feet in front of the chair.

    They invited me to sit down. I laughed and walked out