Training - strategy or delivery?

I’m looking for some advice from any other trainers/L&D folk out there. I have been training for 14 years, always within the same organisation. It started as a fairly traditional in-house training delivery role focusing on in-house systems and procedure training as part of a small team - a role that I really enjoy. Since returning from maternity leave 18 months ago my team has effectively been disbanded and my role has changed to involve far less training delivery with more of a focus on strategy, planning, advise etc – of which I have little experience and feel entirely out of my comfort zone.


I feel like my options are either to learn and develop my knowledge and skills around strategy etc to progress my career, or to stick with delivery (which is where my skills/passion definitely lie at the moment) but not have so many progression options.


Is this a reflection of how L&D works in the “outside world”? I have been in this organisation since I was 21 so have little experience elsewhere! I'm reluctant to move away from delivery as I feel that's where by skills lie but feel like I may be limiting my career options both within my organisation beyond and if/when I decide to move on.

Any thoughts welcome!

  • Hi Laurie, welcome to the communities. I'm sorry to learn about the changes to your role, it certainly feels they are not bringing out the best in you which is a shame. I'm not currently in an L&D Role so I can't really comment, however you may also like to post this same question onto the discussion forum for Training Zone (ww.trainingzone.co.uk), I'm sure the contributors there will have some interesting thoughts on your query. :-)