Starting out in HR after 20 years working in R & D...

Hi HR Gurus

After almost 20 years working for Procter & Gamble in Research and Development as a Product Manager / Principal Researcher, I have made the decision to change careers into Human Resources. In Part, my decision came as the research centre I worked at closed (after a merger and restructure) and I was made redundant, and also because I enjoyed my last role in the company - working closely with HR during the consultation period leading up to the merger. I received good feedback from my organisation and my HR Manager who suggested a move into HR would be a good one for me as she thought I had the skills of a good HR person....

Now the dust has settled,and I have had time to reflect,  I have enrolled onto level 5 Diploma in HR Management, and am looking to get my first role in HR to build experience and embark on my new career.   I would like advice please on what would be the ideal role for someone new into HR. I have had some experience managing people within my R&D role and experience in TUPE law and consultation / Employee Relations, but I have not directly worked in an HR organisation which I think will be the tricky part in getting a role...

Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • Welcome to the communities Alan and good luck in your career transition.

    If you use the search facilities there are lots of threads on transitioning into HR either as a first career or alter in your career, hopefully lots of helpful advice there.

    My thoughts would be your best chance for that vital first role will be in a contracting / FTC type role in an industry very similar to the one you have lots of experience in. They are likely to see more transferable skills and your knowledge of the working practices and types of people will help paper over the gaps in your technical knowledge.

    Good luck