I am around 10 months into my 1st HR role as HR Assistant and love every single aspect of it.
I am also very close to finishing my level 3 CIPD diploma studies and my employer have guaranteed that they will sponsor me through level 5.
My only gripe is that I feel that I am grossly underpaid for the amount of work I do and also for the nature of the work.
I know of others in similiar positions to me (1st HR role, studying etc) who are paid a large chunk more than I am which is mainly what has got me thinking I might be underpaid. I am also paying myself through my diploma.
When offered the job and told of the salary, I was disappointed but so eager and excited to be given the opportunity, that I chose not to mention it or question it.
I wonder if anybody would have any advice on how best to approach this with my line manager and the partners of the business?
Is there also a reliable source for finding average salaries for these types of roles?