What qualifications are most respected by employers?

Hi all, first post in the CIPD forum :-)

I'm currently trying to get into the L&D world from an FE and teacher training background (have seen that there are some threads relevant to this so won't drag it all up again). What I'm wondering is, which L&D qualifications are most respected by employers in the industry?

I currently have DTLLS (level 5 teaching qual) and working towards Level 5 Coaching & Mentoring.



  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    18 Sep, 2017 17:26

    Hi John... meant to welcome you the other day when you shared the Julie Starr links. Thanks for starting this thread... and I'm glad you appear to have seen the other discussions about people transitioning from the teaching profession to L & D.
  • Hi John,

    The question you pose is a little subjective I think - each industry that you could work in will have its preferred qualifications for L&D. In my experience, which is financial services and recruitment, the following were typically 'recognised' or asked for;

    - CIPD
    - TAP (BILD partner)
    - ILM (coaching & mentoring)
    - Sometimes ITOL
    - CAVA or AVRA (location/role dependent)

    But to be honest, it's subject to where you want to be in Learning and Development. I have wonderful colleagues who specialise in multi-modal learning whereby a TAP qualification for facilitation wouldn't be worth the paper. Likewise, I know trainers in technically rich, process driven environments whereby it was project management training qualifications that they required to progress.

    Hope that helps a little

    Kind regards,
  • Hi, this is a bit of a challenging area. There is no simple standard for one real reason - there is no "standard L&D role"
    From a delivery point of view you have it covered.
    If on the other hand you want to develop more into the management of L&D, then a more strategic course will help. But again there is no standard.

    Juts to be difficult, often many of the coaching course are not cross regognised! To be grank its a mess. If you have aspirations to be involved in organisational development, then look to the more senior CIPD qualifications (a big overlap with HR) and look towards organisational psychology.

    hope this helps your thinking