Scrubbing up on English skills


I currently work in HR and have done for about 8 months now, two months ago I started my CIPD level 3, all is going well (passed the first unit today!) 

I just had a 121 with my line manager, who has told me my communication could be a show stopper in my career and is what could stop me to making it as an HR manager, which has left me rather disheartened. To me, my grammar and written English has been a little over average, clearly to my employer it is not. He would like me to explore how I 'write' better and produce documents. 

Does anyone have any advice or know of a good book I can read to better my skills? 

Many thanks 


  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    27 Jun, 2017 10:46

    Hi Carly, maybe go back to him and say you've been reflecting on the feedback and need a few more specifics in order to focus on the things you need to work on; would he be able to give you some further pointers. If he says, no then that's odd, so in theory, he's more likely to say a, b and a bit of c!

    I've just taken a random paragraph out of one of the CIPD reports this year and things I notice are the conversational tone, the clear use of facts and figures, the breakdown of text into smaller points and the use of recognisable words, ie it's not too long winded or using overly flowery language. I was going to say it was low on jargon, but I think it isn't particularly (I've just become immune to HR jargon over the years!):

    Selection and candidate
    • The most popular method
    of selection this year is
    competency-based interviews,
    with just under four-fifths
    making use of this selection
    method. However, in general
    the methods used to select
    applicants follow a similar
    pattern to previous years.
    • An increasing proportion also
    make use of distance interviews,
    such as telephone (65%) and
    video/Skype (52%), with private
    sector organisations most likely
    to use these methods.
    • When it comes to candidate
    behaviour, the majority of
    candidates arrive promptly for
    interviews, behave with sincerity
    and provide accurate CVs, but
    there is room for improvement
    in the way candidates
    communicate with potential


    HR blogs are another good source of writing you might find useful - check out the #hrblogs hashtag on twitter to catch up on the latest ones from a variety of authors.

  • Hi Carly
    The best way to improve is to write more and read other people's writing more. English is not my first language and I found sometimes it could be difficult for a new HR professional to find his/her writing style and has an excellent writing skills immediately. I have been working in HR for about 2 years now, I would say it is just a matter of time. You don't need to worry too much, as long as you have tried your best.
    Don't forget to get your colleague to check your email if necessary. I always ask for help with some tricky ones.