How to get into HR?


I am sure you have seen 100s of posts about getting into HR as a career change! I completed my CIPD Level 3 Certificate at the end of last year and am now an Associate Member. I have recently started looking for HR Assistant jobs and it is quite tough as most job adverts wants xx amount of experience in HR. I have several years experience in general administration and business support functions, I know I could transfer my skills over to HR but how do I convey this to potential employers? I have recently spent a week shadowing my own companies HR department and enjoyed every minute of it. Could I put this experience on my CV and in my cover letter maybe? I want to try anything that makes me look like a good candidate for potential HR jobs! I know that I 100% want to get into HR as I am very unhappy in my current role in Procurement, I know this is something I dont want to do long term as see HR as my long term goal. I have signed up to the webinar of transitioning into HR for 9th November also.

Any tips and advice will be greatly recieved!

Thank you for your time,


  • Hi Gemma

    This may be too late to be relavent and you may have already found the perfect HR role but I suppose any help is useful.

    I started in my first HR Assistant role (after working in general admin for 6/7 years) about 3 months after starting my CIPD studies.

    I believe that showing a genuine passion and interest for the subject on my CV and cover letter (rather than just appearing to want the actual job) put me above other applicants.
    On my 1st interview I was probed on current HR topics which I completely blagged and felt rather embarrased afterwards for not knowing the answer to everything that was asked.

    I knew there would be a 2nd interview for successful applicants so I studied hard. I watched the news to look out for any current HR related issues, read newspapers front to back and studied People Management magazine most days.

    Going into my 2nd interview, I felt completely confident discussing HR matters whereas before I had felt awkward.

    Do your homework is my advice. I bagged the job with zero experience and only 3 months into my studies just by showing an interest!
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Jan, 2018 20:31

    In reply to Natalie:

    Thanks for sharing, Natalie.
  • In reply to Natalie:

    Thanks for this Natalie! Congratulations on getting your new job! I will take this onboard, I guess showing a passion for something will show potential employers that although I don't have the job title HR Admin/Assistant etc does not mean I dont know what I am talking about or know any less on the subject because I haven't previously worked in HR.

    I read the PM magazine this morning on my way to work and felt good about doing it because I get it every month it could help me secure the job I want:). I also signed up to the networking event that the CIPD offers as I thought this would be a good way to get myself out there and speak to people who are in the profession already.

    Thanks so much for your reply, this has given me a boost in confidence that I need!
  • Hi Gemma

    Firstly - PERSEVERE! You WILL find the role you are looking for

    Secondly - any recruiting manager worth their salt will be looking for great values and behaviours which I am sure you are able to demonstrate. I would certainly add your experience of shadowing to your CV / cover letter.

    I entered HR as an agency temp, applying my transferrable admin skills and 20 years on I cannot imagine working in any other function

    All the best
