What HR job roles I can apply for on completion of my masters degree?

Hi everyone, Compliments of the season. Please I would like to know what HR job roles I can apply for on completion of my masters degree. I don't have any previous experience in any HR role, however I worked as a client service manager in the retail banking sector for 8 years. Any recommendations would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Hi, if you do a search, you are likely to find quite a few similar posts. Unfortunately, people have found that having a Masters level qualification, but no experience, can cause challenges - the person doesn't have the necessary experience to go into the profession at a senior level, but it can also be difficult to get entry level roles because the employer thinks that the individual will leave as soon as they get a bit of experience
    I hope that you find the role you are looking for
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    4 Jan, 2023 14:00

    Hi there, you can apply for anything in theory but looking at the job role and requirements should give you an indication of whether your skills and experience are along the required lines and what the employer is looking for. One thing to remember is that your transferrable skills from your previous job should certainly be highlighted. Your Masters degree is something to be proud of and do tell the story of key projects you worked on in this as they form an important part of your achievements to date.

    More on careers and routes into the profession here for interest: https://www.cipd.co.uk/careers

  • In reply to Teresa:

    Thank you very much.
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Thank you. I really appreciate this feedback.
  • Hello Chinyere,

    First I want to say congrats on achieving your master's degree.

    You want to maximize your chances of landing an HR job by matching the skills the job requires. You said you don't have experience in HR and that's okay.
    List the skills that the jobs you want to land require and see if, through your past experience or education, you can match these skills.

    You might find that you will need skills such as stakeholder management, relationship management, project management and etc... skills that you might have already gained elsewhere.

    HR has many functions that require a variety of skills, for example, professionals with experience in marketing tend to enter HR by starting with employer branding.
    Similarly, those with experience in client management or sales
    often land their first HR job through recruitment in-house or agency.