Hi all. I'm an experienced eLearning specialist, having worked in various senior roles in companies that supply adult, workplace-based eLearning. I've recently started a Level 5 diploma in L&D and am looking to get into a corporate L&D role. I decided to make the move so that I can help decide what learning and training is needed in an organisation and see the impact of that on learners, rather than just forever fulfilling an order!
This is a career transition for me - I'm really experienced in a niche area of L&D but I'm looking to generalise, not specialise.
Where I'm stuck is that I don't have a long career track behind me of junior L&D roles (e.g. trainer moving to training manager) so it's a harder story to tell in an CV or an interview, although I'm very proud of my own journey! Also I have a lot of experience in one sector but there aren't many employers in that sector where I live now so another reason to diversify.
Should I lower my expectations and go for junior roles? Even junior roles seem to want solid corporate L&D experience, which I know plenty about but technically I don't have.
Any advice welcome :)