Transitioning into HR

Hi Everybody I'm trying to transition into a HR role and I would be greatful for some advice for applying for my first HR role. I've just completed a MSc in HRM and acheived my Assoc CIPD. My current job is very different from HR, I've worked in an operational civilian role in roads policing for the last 15 years so hopefully have some transferable skills. I'm quite a low grade (non supervisory) but as I've been there the longest I do all the training for new starters in my team. I'm also been a school governor for the last 5 years at a federation of two large primary schools where I chair the committee responsible for HR and finance. Although they are big school they are small organisations with less than 100 employees and our executive head teacher is very experianced so most problems are managed before they become formal HR issues. I've started applying for HR jobs a few months ago but so far I've only had one interview. When I have had feedback for jobs I didn't get an interview for they have said I've not got enough experiance but how can I get experiance if I can't get a job? Thanks Matt
  • Hi Matt,

    What sort of HR roles have you been applying for? Personally when I transitioned into my first HR role, I was applying for HR administrator or HR Assistant roles, which require less experience. A good tip I was given was to apply through agencies where you can find temp to perm roles too.

    If you have not already, you could also try to amend your CV to really highlight any transferable skills you have gained in your previous roles.

    Hope that helps.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    24 Jan, 2023 09:46

    Hi Matthew, thanks for your post, we have a free half day workshop for CIPD members coming up that you may be able to attend which will give you tips for your job search: promo.cipd.co.uk/.../

  • Thanks Johanna, is the workshop going to be running on any other dates as I'm busy on the 31st?
  • Hi Matthew
    I moved from Hotel Manager to HR way too many years ago to mention. I had to take a paycut as I entered at HR Admin level but i was determined that HR was I wanted.
    It took a while to get that first job but once there it was a great learning experience. I stayed there for a couple of years and got exposure to everything, then i temped in a few different companies to get experience in different sectors, each time moving up the wages ladder and getting that experience to add to my CV.
    When you are applying for jobs, make sure you adapt your CV for each job so that you can show exactly were you have met the criteria they are asking for. When you read the criteria and sit and think about it you possibly will have experience. If you sit on B of G then you will have experience of recruitment / carrying out interviews / dealing with problems (grievances). Talk about your training of new employees (induction process) Do not rely on the recruitment agency to do this (if using one)
    Good luck and don't give up