Compassionate Leave

Good Afternoon I need some advice if anyone can help? I’m new to the HR role and a colleague within my business has taken compassionate leave due to a young niece being critically ill. She isn’t the primary carer. Her niece was diagnosed with a serious heart condition at 17th months and she has had the last week off on compassionate leave re this matter. However she feels she isn’t ready to come back to work next week. Can you advise what steps to take? We obviously want to support where we can but have no timeline of where the issue will go and also need to meet the needs of the business
  • Hello, do you not have a policy that covers this? It's a difficult situation. It's not nice at times having a conscience and also trying to look after the needs of the business, I'm often conflicted, in my role. But I'm guessing it's a small organisation similar to mine so in absence of a policy, I would discuss with the colleague how you move forward, do you pay sick pay? could she use holidays to cover further absence?