Job search advice, please

Good afternoon guys, I am quite new in this platform.

I just finished my Level 7 (MSC) and CPA training on HRM with an indept work placement on employment law some couple of months ago.

I have been on a voluntary internship programme with a charity organisation since November.

Getting a job in the HR field has been challenging. Though I am a freshman in the career, but I am highly passionate with a strong will to advance my career goals and contribute significantly in the work place.

I need your direction/assistance on getting an employment in this field. Thank you.

  • Hello,
    I am not an expert but I just want to say that first of all Connect with professionals in the HR industry through networking events, Make sure your resume highlights your education, training, internship experience, and any relevant skills or certifications, Utilize job search platforms, Internships or entry-level positions, Professional development, Personal branding. mcdvoice
    I hope You Will get Somethings.

  • Its tough to get into and still tough once you are in a HR role. As the Jenna said, connect etc and you just have to keep trying. Something will come of it. Good luck!
  • Apply to less jobs more carefully

    tailor you approach to each and list your achievements and what you have done that is specifically relevant to their role - no point sending a generic cv to 100 jobs and being in the "maybe" pile for interview if you can apply to 5 or 6 more carefully and get 2 or 3 interviews
  • In reply to Ian:

    I 100% agree with Ian. Take your time to tailor your application to the role demonstrating that you've thought about it and done your research. These applications stand out.
  • Hi there, welcome to the communities. A couple of things which may help:
    I totally endorse advice from Ian and Christopher - ensure your applications are high quality, well thought out, and tailored to the vacancy, you will probably need to create a new CV for each application or at least be prepared to.
    Have a search through for some historic threads on this forum as this question comes up regularly so there may be some nuggets of information already available.
    It is worth looking at the careers section on this website for guidance, link is: www.cipd.org/.../
    Good luck!
  • Welcome to the community and good luck on the hunt for work. I would say that getting your first opportunity in HR can be tricky especially with the market being a little unpredictable. The key is not to give up trying and also you have some good experience and learning to help show your commitment to the profession.

    I'd recommend joining communities on Linked In that have a people focus. The CIPD has a group there and there are also others too, which ones you join might depend on your interests.

    Contributing to conversations and posting on Linked In will help you be found.

    I'd also recommend:
    *Getting a cracking Linked In profile. There are lots of hints, tips and tricks blogs out there that can help.
    *Work on a range of CVs. Play around with formats, be clear on your experience and get some people you trust to review it for you.
    *Register with key job sites.
    *Check out company grad schemes. They might be a good way of getting into a new role.
    *Don't rule out researching companies you want to work for and applying directly.

    Maybe consider getting a mentor who can help you. Wishing you all the best with it.
  • It's always best to seek advise from an expert. You could try Capital business skills. www.capitalbusinessskills.com/
  • In reply to Naksha:

    Naksha, this looks like a coaching website although it doesn't seem to say who the coaches are or much about the founders of the company and of course there are lots of coaches, mentors and support out there.

    I always recommend people seek out ones that have credentials and come with a recommendation as, sadly, the coach market is a little saturated and unregulated so people new to it can find it hard to navigate.
  • In reply to Sharon:

    Totally agree with Sharon and would add, if looking at coaches find one with experience in the correct sector - if you are looking at working in healthcare you could really do with advise from someone who understands its vagueries, same with education. If you are open to any sector you may want to avoid coaches too allied with either of those for the same reason.

    Hope that makes sense - basically if you are handing over £ only do it to an organisation you can be sure will be able to help you in what you want to do (personal recommendations from a past user are best)