Hey Chloe,
I transitioned from 10-12 years of retail management experience into HR, I'm the HRD of an SME now 3 years later.
Speaking openly here, you will crush it once you get into a role. The grit, guts and commercial awareness that retailers bring into a HR role is incredibly valuable.
Graham's advice has merit but I respectfully don't agree with it. I would be looking for a Junior HRBP role instead, or a fully fledged HRBP within the retail industry. It would play to all of your strengths and you'll still be exposed to challenges that you will need to go away and do a bit of research on, developing yourself.
I think entering an admin of role of any kind would be a waste of the skills you've built up.
In reply to Charles:
You raise some good points Charles. Speaking from my own experience, when I transitioned into HR after a long career in retail management, I personally wouldn’t have felt ready to step straight into an HRBP role, even with my level 5. There were just so many elements to HR that I wasn’t fully familiar with to enable me to operate on that level.Visit the main CIPD website
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