Investors in People or Employer of Choice


I suggested looking at Employer of Choice to my MD who replied with Investors in People...what would you suggest?



  • Welcome to the communities

    Rather depends on why you suggested either award and what you hope to gain from "winning" one or the other? Some more detail about what you hope to gain might help.

    At this stage I might suggest "neither" as a third option but focusing on getting your core offer right for your particular workplace.
  • Hi Letitia and welcome to the forums.

    Entering "Investors in People" in the search box at the top of the screen will call up these previous discussions


    There dosn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm other than for those who have a "badge collecting "outlook on life. I think the key thing is to be very clear about what you expect it to bring you in concrete terms, particularly if your standards are already good.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Thanks for the information. Will look further into this.