** Caption competition - #2 **

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

16 Dec, 2019 09:42

Well, we've had a fabulous response to our first caption, which I posted last week. Here's your second 'cartoon' to caption. 

Keep your captions coming - for both.

The two winning captions will each win £50-worth vouchers.

A reminder of the format...

You are invited to post your witty caption suggestions below. Extra points if you can wangle in an “HR” slant to your caption! Funny is good, too - although be warned, the judges (CIPD staff) are tough nuts to crack. This should be the perfect activity for those of you who have a commute to and from work, and frankly, with all that's going on in the world... I need my chuckle muscle exercised, too.

The obvious guidelines on rude words and gratuitous product placement apply. Thank you.

This thread (and last week's) will remain open to entries until midnight on 31st December - and the winner will be announced when we all return after the New Year break.

Here goes...

* Tip: we’re looking for *captions* - which tend to be better when short-ish in length.

The legal bit: Competition Terms & Conditions

Thank you again to Simon Heath for the illustration!