Should we start a new group for discussing 'HR Software'?

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

17 Aug, 2017 14:59

I've been pondering this for a while.

We get a lot of threads about HR software. There is quite a bit of duplication, although some useful nuanced perspectives - e.g. from those who work in SMEs, charities, etc.

Would a dedicated group here on the Community help - or perhaps a wiki to which we could all continually add from our own experience?

If a group... 'open', or 'member-only'? 


  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I am currently looking at sourcing an HR system (c.100 employees). My first thought was to check the community for recommendations so would welcome an easy reference point for recommendations/pros/cons etc.
  • I think a Wiki page would be really useful. I have done tonnes of research and searched the community but its difficult to find relevant information when there are so many threads. The idea of separating by number of employees would also be a good idea, we have 300 staff members so advice others have given to those with 100 seems pretty irrelevant to me.
  • Hi Steve,

    I have been researching HR software, mostly ones that offer free under a certain amount of users. Out of curiosity, I had a thought about whether CIPD provide any kind of HR management software. My understanding is that the organization if recognised internationally, and would benefit to possibly having its own software.

    Any reason to why this is not the case?

    Also if anybody had any suggestions for HR software that if free or up to a certain point please let me know.

    Thank you,

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    30 May, 2018 16:21

    In reply to Jennifer:

    "Out of curiosity, I had a thought about whether CIPD provide any kind of HR management software. Any reason to why this is not the case?

    Hi Jen... and welcome to the Community.

    To look at this another way... is there any reason why this should be the case? ;)

    We do recognise this is a confusing and time-consuming exercise and do organise an annual HR Software and Recruitment Show, which gathers the main providers in one place. You could do worse than head to Olympia on 13-14 June!

  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    31 May, 2018 09:46

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Yes, good call Steve, the CIPD HR software show (coming up very soon) is free to attend and this year's event is a sell out in terms of the full complement of providers being there, all in one accessible space. I've been there for the last few years and it's a very friendly, non hard-sell event with loads of 'turn up, sit down' free learning sessions too.
  • In reply to Johanna:

    I'm looking forward to HRSS18 - I'll admit that I work in the marketing team of one of the vendors in attendance (!), but my role during the event is largely live tweeting. I did the same at Learning Technologies back in January 2018, to highlight sessions that were about to start etc.

    As I am not from the L&D or HR industry (my background is solely marketing and marketing alone), I've found the changes to the HR industry very interesting, especially given the #MeToo and feminist campaigns.

    What struck me most is how friendly everyone in this industry is :)