Restricting travel abroad after 17th May?


A question has arisen within our organisation, can employers legally stop employees travelling abroad now that the 'Stay in the UK' restriction will be lifted? Can we stop them going to green countries, or can we not do this? 

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    20 May, 2021 12:29

    In reply to Biddy:

    Welcome, Biddy.

    I've 'merged' your new thread to this exisiting discussion as I think they cover the same (important) topic. Hope that's OK? Thanks for posting your question.
  • In reply to Deborah:

    Because it may be 20-25 days and they might be returning before they should do.!.

    I just do not understand why holiday destination (country/ies is such a sensitive subject. They are not being asked if they are there for cosmetic surgery/quickie divorce or something potentially embarrassing. Going to Eastern Europe is no longer a political statement. I just don' get it.
    Most employers would not ask someone why they were going to the doctor or if they did would accept that it was for a 'personal' matter', which is the nearest analogy I can think of.
  • At the end of the day I wouldn’t insist on knowing WHERE people are going, but I would make it clear that no extension to the approved period will be authorised and that any failure to return by the due date will be treated as being AWOL.
  • In reply to Deborah:

    Follows the law in going but also follows the law in quarantining on return and it may well be reasonable for employer to check this has happened
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    26 May, 2021 12:16

    In reply to Biddy:

    Hi Biddy, a reminder that there is also a free CIPD members' helpline where you can have a conversation with an employment law expert 24/7. This will offer additional guidance to consider alongside all the useful info from community members here   www.cipd.co.uk/.../advice-support

  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    26 May, 2021 12:17

    Hi Rebecca, just a reminder that there is also a free CIPD members' helpline where you can have a conversation with an employment law expert 24/7. This will offer additional guidance to consider alongside all the useful info from community members here www.cipd.co.uk/.../advice-support
  • Hi All,

    A bit late to the party, but we also have a similar issue. Employees are requesting 10 days AL, travel to an Amber country (not tell anyone) and then suddenly require additional 10 days for quarantine on return and cannot work from home during this time. This can be taken either as a part of AL entitlement or unpaid leave, but the fact is that the employee is away from work for nearly 4 weeks, rather than planned 2. This has an impact on staff cover.

    Reading the thread, my understanding is that we can ask the employee about their holiday plans and warn them that if they go to an amber or red country, any quarantine must be a part of the time off requested and that unplanned quarantine may be treated as unauthorised absence. Is that correct?
  • In reply to Juraj Kecso:

    Pretty much yes. Clearly employees may choose not to disclose final destinations and may phone in "sick" when they are due back. But that's all part of management
  • In reply to Biddy:

    Yes you can - we have stated that people must note destination on any annual leave requests. We have also noted that if they are required to quarantine on return then they must work from home but if they are unable to do so because they have left their laptop at the office (we have suggested it may be sensible to prepare for working from home in the event there is a change to green/amber/red status while they are away) then they must use annual leave to cover the quarantine period and if they don't have enough annual leave it will need to be unpaid leave. No-one has complained - everyone is clear on our stance so if they book to go abroad they know up front what the implications are.
  • In reply to Nicola:

    Hello everyone im new here , i been on holiday in amber country and my manager give me longer holiday cause 10 days quarantine after come back from amber country .I was visit seriously ill for cancer mum, when mum was taken to hospital after few days i decided to go green neighbour country and spent here over 10 days, have here a lot of friends so spend rest holiday here cause dont want to seat in uk on quarantine. obtained green status and made test for second day(unvaccinated) But now Employer want proofs as billing,receipts, booking proof i really been in green country. I have nothing cause not collecting shopping proofs or something like that, i just been with my friends. i have question. It is legal to ask me about my private information? Thank You.
  • In reply to Nicola:

    Hello everyone im new here , i been on holiday in amber country and my manager give me longer holiday cause 10 days quarantine after come back from amber country .I was visit seriously ill for cancer mum, when mum was taken to hospital after few days i decided to go green neighbour country and spent here over 10 days, have here a lot of friends so spend rest holiday here cause dont want to seat in uk on quarantine. obtained green status and made test for second day(unvaccinated) But now Employer want proofs as billing,receipts, booking proof i really been in green country. I have nothing cause not collecting shopping proofs or something like that, i just been with my friends. i have question. It is legal to ask me about my private information? Thank You.
  • In reply to Nicola:

    Hello everyone im new here , i been on holiday in amber country and my manager give me longer holiday cause 10 days quarantine after come back from amber country .I was visit seriously ill for cancer mum, when mum was taken to hospital after few days i decided to go green neighbour country and spent here over 10 days, have here a lot of friends so spend rest holiday here cause dont want to seat in uk on quarantine. obtained green status and made test for second day(unvaccinated) But now Employer want proofs as billing,receipts, booking proof i really been in green country. I have nothing cause not collecting shopping proofs or something like that, i just been with my friends. i have question. It is legal to ask me about my private information? Thank You.

  • Another approach is an employer can legally decline annual leave requests without getting too technical its in the working time regulations , personally the consideration is the business case and the role in question and why an employer would want to implement such a contractual clause